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Quartz Kitchen Countertops Are Some Of Most Durable and Beautiful


Kitchen Quartz Countertops

When you are looking for a way to breathe new life into a kitchen without dealing with complete kitchen remodel, quartz kitchen countertops may be the way to go. While they are expensive, they don't cost any more than natural granite or marble, often they are less expensive, and quartz kitchen counter tops are more durable.

Because they are manufactured, quartz kitchen countertops are available in a variety of colors and edging styles.Granite countertops are very popular right now, you hear a lot about them, but they aren't the best choice for kitchen countertops. Any material used in a kitchen needs to have heat resistance, scratch resistance, resistance to chemicals and be generally very strong. Granite is actually fairly weak. It can fissure or crack if you place something to heavy near the edge, and good luck getting that repaired.

Granite counter tops are almost impossible to repair, in most instances, repair actually means patch. A patch of granite installed next to the original installation is immediately obvious. Each natural stone piece is unique and because no two pieces are the same it becomes a very visible difference.When you originally install a granite counter all slabs are cut from the same block, giving the patterning a very consistent look.  When you have to patch in a new piece it is almost impossible to match the original veining. With quartz counter tops you have a much greater chance of getting a close match.

Quartz kitchen counter tops are manufactured using 93-97% quartz mixed with pigments and resin.The addition of the manmade materials offers a variety of color choices that entirely natural stone can't match.The resin makes this countertop material even more durable than granite. In fact some manufacturers of quartz kitchen countertops have done studies showing that they are twice as strong as granite.

If color options and strength are not enough to sell you on quartz kitchen countertops, how about considering food safety and price savings as reasons to switch? Quartz kitchen countertops are non porous, so they are resistant to bacteria. They are also chemical resistant, so wine spills are less likely to stain them. Quartz kitchen countertops never need resealing to keep their finish, the only maintenance they need is a quick wash with a non-abrasive cleaner. Because of their ultra smooth surface and resistance to germs, these countertops are approved for commercial food preparation.

When looking to switch out old and dated countertops, quartz is an ideal material. It has the best of both the natural and manmade materials. You get the high gloss finish of granite or marble, with a more consistent look. Quartz kitchen counter tops are also highly durable and extremely heavy. A good countertop will cost more than most custom cabinets, but it is worth every penny. Cabinets need to be updated every ten to twenty years to stay current, but a good quality countertop in a neutral shade can be used for decade. Provided it can stand up to the abuse, of course. Quartz kitchen countertops are some of the best on the market. They have many of the same properties as stainless steel, with a more attractive appearance.


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